
See hundreds of photos and pics / pictures of the Turkish Boz Shepherd!  Our gallery includes dogs from around the world​ with their flocks, herds, families, children, and other dogs.  Strong, loyal, powerful, yet gentle with family and children, the Boz LGD is the best dog for certain environments and situations!

Picture Gallery

The Turkish Boz Shepherd gallery allows members, supporters, and prospective buyers to visually indulge in the power and beauty of this majestic breed.  The gallery aims to provide viewers with photos of Boz Shepherds representing the acceptable range of colors, size, structure, conformation, function, and placement within the breed.

Turkish Boz Shepherds in their Native Turkey

Purebred Turkish Boz Shepherd Dogs in the USA

For further questions, please get in touch with Jesika VanFossen at 785-640-9199,, or